
Town and Country Auctions Town and Country Auctions provides a cost effective method of Buying or Selling just about anything.
specialising in -
*Clearance Sales
*Ex council and Deceased Estates
*Machinery and General Auctions
and *Livestock Sales
They are Fully licensed and insured with friendly, knowledgable staff. We can arrange Auction Preparation, Advertising, Canteen facilities and on most occasions, Transport.
Town and Country Auctions- they sell, You Save!!
Please call Brian Munro on 0417 754 114.
Chelwood Farm Chelwood Farm is a beautiful 40 acre horse agistment and spelling property located 45 minutes from Brisbane city.
The team at Chelwood have worked to create a relaxed second home type environment for you and your horse to enjoy.
Chelwood Farm is able to distribute and Import Exiss Goosenecks as well as provide genuine western decor & saddelry.
If you want a beautiful place to agist or spell your ponies we highly recommend you call Suzanne or Tara on 0488 256 105 or 0416 256 101
Exiss Australia Exiss and Sooner Trailers are now available in Australia!!!
Exiss Trailers were the number 1 selling Aluminium horse trailer in the USA!!! for 2009 which is quite an accomplishment when you consider that the USA has a huge number of trailer manufacturers and consumer's have such a wide variety to choose from.
We have been working closely with Exiss Australia's Suzanne Brooks since she has been importing Exiss stock to Australia
With overr 58,000 trailers on the road they offer you years of experience and a reliable trailer with exceptional longevity.
We are sure you will be as impressed as we were, with not only the price, but the superior quality and design these trailers offer.
To request further information or to arrange a time to inspect an Exiss / Sooner Trailer please call Suzanne Brooks on 0416256101
Blow-In Shopfitting and Cabinetry For all your shopfitting and Cabinetry needs we recommend Craig and the team at Blow-In shopfitting and Cabinetry
They are Specialist in Complete Retail Fit-outs
All Joinery, Displays, Counters and Gondolas
Longspan Shelving and Pallet Racking
Grocery Metal Shelving
Change rooms Shop Fronts and Signage
Walls, Ceiling and Flooring
Please call Craig Ashcroft on 0412 466 122
Brahim's Body Works Brahims Body Works specialises in all insurance repairs, private repairs and restoration work, rust, resprays, cut and polishes.
If you want a top quality job at a reasonable price we highly recommend that you speak with Dean and the team at Brahim's bodyworks